Make your website F&I Friendly

The car buying experience generally isn’t known as being a very comfortable one.  Typically people fear the process for a variety of different reasons, causing most consumers to try to rush their dealership experience as fast as possible. This is bad news for F&I Managers trying to explain and sell products, regardless of how valuable they may be to the customer.  This is where technology can be of assistance.  Nowadays most all car dealers have websites.  Typically the focus of these sites is to sell a car, inform on deals, models, features, etc.  What’s not so common is a dealer taking advantage of the opportunity to sell and inform consumers about the variety of F&I products they offer while the consumer is still in their researching/learning phase, usually in the comfort of their own home where they aren’t feeling pressured, rushed or anxious.

Make your website F&I friendly!

We strongly encourage our dealers to update their websites and incorporate information and tools to help inform consumers about the variety of F&I products they sell.  Explain the options, what value they provide the consumer and why they need to consider it.  This is an important opportunity to communicate key information to the customer and create the desire for the product before they ever step foot in the F&I office.  This isn’t to say that every customer will be sold on the idea of buying an extended warranty, for example, but certainly this strategy should help introduce the concept to the customer and touch on the main selling points so they will have a bit of information and perhaps be more open to considering one when purchasing their car.

Automotive Assurance Group has numerous graphics, videos and tools we can provide to assist you with making your website more ‘F&I friendly’.   We are happy to assist you in any way we can, contact us today!